Off Cuts

Imagine this.  All excited about your new shirts, you notice a misspelling on the front of the graphic t-shirt.  One shirt is bad enough but this has been repeated on this particular batch of shirts. 

What are your options? 

The thought of disposing it in the trash bin does not sit well with you at all.  In the spirit of the times, repurposing these shirts in some kind of meaningful way seems more palatable. 

T-shirt offcuts are the scraps of fabric left after a bigger piece has been cut out.  These offcuts have traditionally been used as rags.  However, with white shirt scraps, these can be recycled and used as paper for printing business cards.  Known as "cotton paper,” this is one of the oldest forms of paper manufacturing.  This form of cotton paper production became less common as wood pulp, which is cheaper and can be produced in larger quantities, grew in popularity.

Here are few other ways to repurpose misprinted shirts.

1. Use for test prints

2. Donate to a shelter

3. As lounge or sleepwear.

4. As painting, gardening or and cleaning wear.

5. Making quilts.


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