The Real Story Behind Yours


The Stories Behind the Products we offer You

Day MyLane celebrates a rich cultural heritage with an African flavor and flair and this is reflected in the designs. Our objective it to connect with you and at a minimum pique your interest to want to learn more.

The opportunity to connect with you on a human level through shared and sometimes novel experiences goes beyond the choice of tools of self-expression - from the t-shirts to the phone cases, our products speak volumes of the love, affection, and how we are connected to our roots in African culture and everyday living.

Find out about the stories behind some of your favorite Day MyLane designs.

Igbo Terms of Endearment

Love is the sturdiest and healthiest type of connection among humans - bonds us to another person—emotionally, psychologically and spiritually—is that sense of belonging deep inside. 

Words are a system of symbols and norms used to express and exchange meaning. What better confidence booster than to shower well-thought out, heart-warming terms of endearment on our loved one.

It is commonplace in many cultures in Africa to express loving care and concern by asking questions like
"Have you eaten today?"
What do you want me to get for you on my way back?" or it could be "gingering" you in a name praising fashion using heartwarming terms of endearment just for you.

Day MyLane is right there with you when it comes to how you see yourself and want to be seen and most importantly what you answer to which is the inspiration behind our Igbo Terms of Endearment design.

In Igbo language, meaningful terms of endearment can add:
○ depth
○a vibrant resonance,
○a regal beauty and
○a palpable intensity.

Here are a few Igbo terms of endearment that celebrate the individual, that express how special you are to your loved ones:

●       Nkem, which translates as "mine."

●       Obim, which translates as "my heart."

●       Mmanu Añu, which translates as "honey."

Reassure your special someone of how you feel with our heartwarming collection. We are delighted to share African flavor with the world through fresh, forward-thinking fashion concepts. With pieces that boast individuality and expression, including unique accessories that communicate across cultural lines, we would like you to not miss out on any of these delightful pieces.

Na Pesin Pikin I Be

Na Pesin Pikin I Be is a testament to our prioritizing and valuing our customer’s feedback. You speak and we listen. This design in part was in response to requests to have an option that spoke to the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 that started off in the US.

This Nigerian Pidgin English slang seemed to best capture a spectrum of sentiments in a concise manner and double up as a conversation starter.

.At DML we are all for creative ways to amplify individuality and celebrate community. We hope the phrase we hope resonates with you on many levels because it may mean different things to different people and based on the context.

Na Pesin Pikin I Be is a Nigerian Pidgin English phrase translated means I am someone’s child. Put another way, “I am important to someone” or “I am loved by someone, loved by my family”. It can also be used as way to suggest that “I count, I matter”

Ore Mi

Ore Mi! Exclaimed in great joy with vigor and excitement, think of the unexpected and pleasant feeling of running into a long lost friend or a friend who comes through in the nick of time - that is a gift in and of itself is priceless!

Inspired by the desire to capture the magic of friendship that has lasted the tests of time and distance, we all need a friend! "Ore Mi" is a Yoruba phrase which means "My friend." Ore mi is a simple reminder that it is the strength of the three-strand cord that makes for the best relationships. The "Ore Mi" collection aims to encapsulate the beauty and strength that abound in true friendships; of course, a friendship that can stand the test of time. We've all heard the popular saying that no man is an Island.

This is true because we all cherish that person who stands by us during trying times, motivates and sometimes encourages us when we are down, celebrates us when we win, and listens when we just want to be heard. Designed for the individual who prizes friendship and treasures the connections you cultivate with others; this design inspires faith and reaffirms community no matter the circumstances.

The journey from idea to finished design aims to speak the people's language and tell the African story. From the words of endearment and affirmation to celebrating the gift of friendship and logic, Day MyLane is the right place to go when it comes to fashion that portrays African lifestyle, art, and culture.

Day MyLane

Giving you a say in your choices of pieces with an African flavor and flair.

From African Open Market to Concept Store


African Self-Care practices that transform your daily routine