Special Delivery - The Gift From Another Mother


In many parts of Africa, an integral part of the culture is the strong communal sense of community, whereby family is not limited to blood ties. This is evident in the way certain relationships are expressed through language.

“Ore Mi” is the Yoruba phrase for “My Friend”. However, ‘’Omo Iya Mi’’ literally translated to English means “My Mother’s Child.

This Yoruba expression often used in referring to people who are not biological siblings, beautifully captures a certain closeness that suggests a sibling relationship.

Think of the gems, those special humans in our individual lives that support or have supported or hung in with us in our lowest moments, through the relationship heartbreaks, through our successes and monumental losses or and even at the peak of our self-inflicted dilemmas. They provide(d) a shoulder to lean on as family would typically do.

Friends like these, sometimes are the reason we don’t give up on ourselves in the throes of our challenges.
They are our ultimate cheerleaders, a gift to be cherished.

Looking for special ways to express your appreciation to those “sibling like friends” those day-ones, tribe, squad or all-round supportive and amazing individuals? check out our Ore Mi Collection.
Click link below or hop on over to the shop here

Day MyLane

Giving you a say in your choices of pieces with an African flavor and flair.


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