What time of day is it? Time for your African Cuisine!


Reasons We Love African Cuisine. 

African cuisine is undoubtedly one of the best in the world. Why? Because it is delicious, spicy, unique and healthy! Because of the vast array of rich culture on the African continent, we are provided with a variety of meals such as jollof rice, coconut rice, Piri Piri chicken, Bunny chow and so many more! One can easily say that Africa is filled with food lovers who go to numerous lengths to ensure we fill bellies with the best! 

If you’re curious to know why both Africans and non-Africans enjoy African dishes, here are some reasons why! 

1. Smells and Textures – All this deliciousness in one pot. 

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Besides the appearance of a meal, the next best thing is the taste! Africa has so many delicious soups and sauces which is a large part attributable to the preparation and cooking process. Meals are seasoned with different ingredients such as salt, curry, thyme, nutmeg, cinnamon, coriander and so many more. These seasonings do wonders for the food! The nutmeg, for example, gives the food a spiced nutty flavor, curry enhances the taste of meat and chicken, while cinnamon provides a sweet, mouth-watering aroma. The result is always a pot of steamy, sumptuous food! 

2. Lots of nutrients

African food is very healthy. They are chockful of vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, and other nutrients necessary for growth. For example, a Nigerian soup like Afang (a native soup to people of Akwa Ibom) is highly nutritious and contains lots of vegetables (Waterleaf, Okazi leaf), palm oil (rich vitamin C), pepper (which contains lots of vitamins) and meat (rich in proteins and a good source of iron.

3. A variety to choose from

Africa has 54 or 55 countries, depending on who you ask. More importantly, each of these countries has at least one national dish or delicacy it is known for. This translates to at least 50 different delicacies in Africa! In Nigeria, you can enjoy the delicious Tuwo Shinkafa from the Northern parts of Nigeria, or Banga and Starch from the Southern parts. In Ethiopia, you can also enjoy tasty Kitfo and some Beyenatu. Other popular African delicacies include Jollof rice, (a rice dish that originated from Senegambia), Muamba de Galinha (also called stewed Chicken Muamba, from Angola), Shisa nyama (a grilled meat on a skewer from South Africa), and so many more! 

4. It celebrates the African culture and heritage 

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Food is a very important part of culture and our African foods represent our various cultures perfectly! For instance, you can easily tell that a person who loves fresh fish soup (a Southern soup made with fresh fish, pepper and spices) has Nigerian origins the same way you can tell that a person who eats Chambo with nsima (a dish of cooked tilapia fish and maize cornmeal) has Malawian origins. An African can easily guess your state or country when you tell them your favorite delicacy. 

5. It is unique 

African meals are unique, not just because of the ingredients used in preparing them, but also because of the combination of these ingredients and the preparation processes. They require special recipes which in the not-so-distant-past would be challenging to prepare but thanks to the likes of TheKitchenMuse, Donney’s Kitchen, Kitchenbutterfly, Matsecooks, and Sisiyemmie that offer tips and tutorials on how to prepare different delicious dishes. The uniqueness of our food makes us proud to call them our own!

6. It brings us together 

In different parts of the world, food brings people together and Africa is no exception. Africans love to eat together and socialize around food, any excuse to have an Owambe (Nigerian parties that involve a lot of food and dancing). Wedding receptions, anniversaries, child naming ceremonies and other kinds of social events are commonplace in the Nigeria community and what better way to make merry than with a plate of Jollof rice and peppered chicken? 

African cuisine is the complete package. It’s tasty, nutritious, unique, and comes prepared in a variety of ways; The possibilities are numerous, with the same or similar ingredients and voilà you have a spread of finger-licking delicious dishes!

You know what time of day it is? What are you waiting for?

Time to get yourself an African delicacy today! 

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Day MyLane

Giving you a say in your choices of pieces with an African flavor and flair.


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